Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Zooming IN

1. What metaphor describes you as a teacher?

Magnifying Glass.

2. Explain how this metaphor characterizes you as a teacher?

I encourage students to reflect on their experiences and prevailing notions deeply, with considerable amount of detail. We collectively try to zoom in to such details which might not to be apparent in the first glance.

3. Provide an example for your teaching experience that illustrates your metaphor?

My experience of teaching 12th grade students about community teaching clearly reflects the impression of this metaphor. Students planned their lessons where I gave them suggestions to zoom in into issues regarding their planning and practice and find solutions themselves.

After each class, they used to reflect on issues related to their teaching and classroom management with different intensities.

4. Do you think this metaphor influences or guides your teaching? If so, how?

The biggest advantage of a magnifying glass is the distance determines how much of detail you want to access. At the same time, you can always zoom out and get hold of the bigger picture. You need to think about how much zooming is required. Instruction and feedback is both designed then according to the required level of detailing.

(This task was a part of Teacher Learning course)

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